Terms of Service

Listing Guidelines

Properties previously listed, sold, or marked as off-market cannot simply be relisted as available after a significant period. Such properties must be re-entered as new listings with new reference numbers. Upon cloning, the original listing must be updated to reflect a sold or off-market status.

Recycling or modifying old reference numbers for new listings on the A2A Platform is strictly forbidden.

New listings must be introduced through the [Add Property] feature, ensuring each receives a unique reference number.

When a property receives an offer or reservation deposit, its status should be promptly updated to either Under Offer or Sale Agreed.

It is imperative to maintain accurate status representations for all listings, avoiding any deliberate misclassifications.


Agents commit to only listing properties on the Network under the conditions that:

a valid listing and commission contract is in place, duly signed by the owner of the property or their authorized representative; and

the listed property does not involve third-party agents or intermediaries, barring Bank Repossessions and New Developments.

Agents bear full responsibility for the veracity and completeness of their property listings on the A2A Platform, absolving A2A Platform of any responsibility for inaccuracies in the listings.

Duplication of property descriptions or photographs from listings by other agents is strictly forbidden.

Listings shall not include misleading details (such as incorrect photos, pricing, dimensions, descriptions, amenities, or addresses).

Each property must be listed with its accurate cadastral reference, identifying the property being offered for sale.

Listings must not contain identifiable information, including but not limited to names, company affiliations, phone numbers, websites, video links, or specific location details that could facilitate direct third-party access to the property. The acceptance of property descriptions is subject to our discretion.

All property information must remain current and updated.

Listings involving third-party agents or intermediaries are to be marked as Not Shared and will be accessible solely to the listing agent.


Each property listing must include at least one interior photograph. We advise capturing a variety of images, ideally one for every significant area such as each room, terrace, storage space, garden, pool, and parking.

Only photographs taken by the listing agent, their team, or those directly provided by the property owner should be used in listings.

Replicating photographs from other listings is strictly forbidden.

Images must not feature any watermarks or identifiers like the agency's name, logos, personal initials, contact numbers, websites, 'For Sale' signage, or images of agency vehicles that could reveal the identity of the listing agent or property owner.

All photographs must adhere to specified size and format standards. For further details, click here.

To safeguard your images, consider activating our watermark feature in your company settings.

Only complaints about images with activated watermark protection will be considered.


Collaborative Property Listings The initial agent to declare a property as shared obtains the privilege to distribute the listing among other member agents within the Network, subject to the conditions outlined below.

Display of property listings will be as follows:

The earliest shared listing of a property will be the default display, indicating the count of any existing duplicate listings.

Agents have the option to review all versions and select the listing agent they prefer to collaborate with for information or viewings.

Sharing Long-Term Residential Rentals Only long-term residential rentals may be shared on the Network if:

there is an agreement with the property owner/landlord that they will cover all agency fees (for both the listing and collaborating agents, if any) and the listing agent for rentals is willing to share commission with an agent bringing a renter. Listings requiring tenants to pay any portion of the commission must be marked as Not Shared.


Response to Availability Inquiries from Other Agents All inquiries regarding property availability from fellow Member Agents or the A2A Platform should be addressed truthfully and within a 10-day timeframe.

Email notifications to update property status will be dispatched on the 3rd and 7th days.

Ignoring availability inquiries beyond the 10th day will result in the property being marked as unshared until its status is verified.


Every Member Agent bears the responsibility for ensuring their company adheres to relevant regulations, facing direct accountability for any infractions or penalties arising from regulatory audits.

Agents who integrate property listings from others into their websites or marketing materials via WebAPI or XML feeds must ensure these listings comply with regulatory standards.

The A2A Platform disclaims responsibility for the veracity of provided information and any resultant fines or disciplinary actions against Member Agents for regulatory breaches.

The A2A Platform commits to diligent efforts in maintaining the accuracy and currency of data transmitted through WebAPI and XML feeds.

Quality Assurance We are dedicated to delivering premium quality data, with the onus on all Member Agents to uphold these standards.

Should you encounter a listing that violates our terms, please report it using the [Report this Property] feature on the listing page or reach out to us directly.

We retain the authority to conduct periodic reviews of listings and may request documentation to ensure compliance with our terms.

Non-adherence to these guidelines may lead to the revocation of sharing rights, account suspension for the Member Agent, or other actions as determined by the A2A Platform.

The extraction of agent contacts or property details from the A2A Platform via software or manual means is strictly forbidden.

Utilizing the A2A Platform's database for unauthorized purposes (e.g., data harvesting, spamming) is prohibited.

Terms Update We reserve the right to amend these terms periodically to mirror changes in our operations, legal mandates, or service features. Notice of substantial modifications will be communicated through the service interface or other means, like email, allowing you to review the changes before they come into effect. Your continued use of the service post-update signifies your agreement to the amended terms. Should you object to the changes, you are advised to cease using the service.

For inquiries about these terms or our services, please get in touch with us.


  1. Our service operates on an auto-renewing subscription model, with billing periods set to monthly, semi-annually, or annually.
  2. We accept various forms of payment including online card transactions (both debit and credit cards), direct debits, and bank transfers.
  3. Subscription fees are charged at the commencement of each billing cycle, with initial payments due upon account activation.
  4. In the event of a payment default, an automated notification will be sent, and a grace period of seven days will be provided for payment resolution.
  5. Failure to settle the dues within this grace period may lead to a downgrade of your account from Network to Standalone status.
  6. For any requests to extend service beyond the grace period, please respond to the Payment Notification specifying the anticipated payment date. Such extensions are subject to our approval, and we reserve the right to refuse them.

Billing Information

  1. Member agents are required to furnish accurate details for billing purposes.
  2. Modifications to billing information can be made by account holders with administrative privileges through initiating a conversation with our Customer Support.
  3. The A2A Platform retains the discretion to decline modifications to already issued invoices.
  4. In instances where tax authorities query the accuracy of provided details, the member agent acknowledges their responsibility for any additional charges incurred for professional services needed to address such enquiries.

Service Fees

Access to the A2A Platform is provided on a pre-payment model.

All fees, inclusive of VAT and any other applicable charges, must be settled by the Member Agent in alignment with the stipulations of these Terms & Conditions and our established fee schedule.

Refund Policy

Our refund policy is strict, with exceptions limited to:

  1. Instances of erroneous billing.
  2. Pro-rata refunds in the event of account termination initiated by us, for the unused portion of prepaid services.

Please note, lack of use does not qualify for a refund.

Termination Policy

  1. Member Agents are entitled to terminate this agreement anytime via initiating a chat through their A2A Platform account, provided the chat is initiated by an account holder with Administrator rights.
  2. Termination will take effect the day before the next scheduled billing cycle, unless an alternative termination date is specified.
  3. No penalties will be imposed for account termination.
  4. In the event of termination by A2A Platform, the Member Agent waives all rights to claims related to such termination.
  5. As an alternative to termination, Member Agents may opt to downgrade to a complimentary Standalone account.

Service Discretion

As a private enterprise built on trust, A2A Platform maintains the unequivocal right to refuse service to any Member Agent or applicant, without the necessity to disclose reasons.

Our platform is dedicated to nurturing a collaborative space among agents, prioritizing mutual support over rivalry. Therefore, A2A Platform reserves the right to limit or withdraw access to its networked software for agents who partake in prohibited activities, including but not limited to:

- Engaging in solicitation for properties not listed under their authority without explicit written permission from the listing agent. - Initiating direct contact with clients introduced by other agents, absent the express written consent of the referring agent. - Repeated non-compliance with the stipulations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

Please be advised, a preliminary caution may be extended for a first-time offense as a forewarning that subsequent violations will culminate in account deactivation. The decision to issue such warnings lies solely with A2A Platform.

Liability Limitations

A2A Platform and its staff shall not be liable to the Member Agent for any loss of commerce, agreements, profits, anticipated savings, data, damage to hardware or software, or for any indirect, incidental, or consequential loss arising under this agreement.

Responsibility for the content on A2A Platform rests with the Member Agents, who are the originators of such content. Although A2A Platform strives to verify the content's accuracy, complete reliability cannot be guaranteed.

A2A Platform disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in the property listings as provided by the Member Agent.

Miscellaneous Provisions

All ancillary data related to listings on A2A Platform, derived or obtained through different methods including external data sources beyond our clients' contributions, regardless of the mode of entry, is proprietary to A2A Platform. We exclusively hold the right to use such data and maintain the discretion to grant or deny access to any entity, at any determined cost.

Governance and Mediation

The stipulations of this agreement are primarily directed by its own provisions, the collaborative terms mutually acknowledged and ratified by the involved parties herein, and subsidiarily, by the Commercial Laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, alongside other relevant legislations, commercial customs, and the Civil Code of United Arab Emirates.

A2A Homes